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kids in the kitchen
a plethora of projects
frenzied festival

the tide rushes in
as waves crash down upon me
i struggle for breath

attention lapses
toddler teeters, then tumbles
gravity prevails

tears are wiped away
the telling bruise arises
snuggles beget smiles

poetry within
lies dormant, covered over
by a thousand thoughts

no school, yet no snow
the bright sun outside belies
winter’s bitter cold

six short months ago
you burst forth from within me
to walk your own path

full moon’s cold bright light
reflecting upon soft snow
winter paradise

as the moon ripens
surrender to the forces
that bring forth new life

long day is ending
many things are left undone
but i go to bed

freezing speckled fish
just named by the two year old
you can’t leave us now

floating upside down
surprise! warm water revives
now we move the tank